Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm Still Alive!

A blank page.... I have finally decided to update my blog after these endless 4 months of nothing...

I was re-reading my last post about my "Bree Van de Kamp dinner." I have to mention this because last night, I went out to dinner with my family to a delicious Italian restaurant in San Marcos called Bruno's. I have been there before so I already knew it was good. Anyway, I saw saltimbocca on the menu and I had to try it (you know, restaurant-style) to compare to the one I made a few months ago... I actually think mine was better. I think the sage leaves give it an extra flavor, a really scrumptious flavor! But I enjoyed it nonetheless. They also have a great tiramisu that I would recommend.

In these past 4 months, not much has happened except in May, I was able to see one of my best friends, Renata, again... I hadn't seen her since early January. I was incredibly happy to see her again and to hang out with her in my own town. There is something about showing an international friend your home, your hometown, introducing them to your family... that is just exciting to me! She arrived in Vista for my graduation from college (which was fun and it was amazing that my friend could actually be there with me, as if we really are family!). Later that day, we went out to lunch and I was showered with gifts. I truly have the best family. I mean, they made me feel so special on that day! I knew I should be proud that I actually graduated from college, but they made it even more special. One of the gifts was tickets to a Rat Pack tribute show in Las Vegas. I was SO excited to learn that my friend was coming with us!! I had never been in Vegas with a friend, so that was fun.

The actual show was so fun... I actually have been to 3 Rat Pack tribute shows in the past... in both Vegas and San Diego (the Vegas shows are always far superior). I have never heard a group of men who sounded so much like the original Rat Pack in my life. I mean, their singing voices were just uncanny. To me, the voices are so much more important than their looks. It makes it seem more real.

Probably the most fun part of this show was the fact that we were sitting so close to the stage. We were literally right next to it. First, "Joey Bishop" came on to tell a few jokes. He picked my dad out from the crowd because he hadn't laughed at one of the jokes or who knows why? It was a joke about a Polish guy. So he immediately started calling my dad "the Polish guy" throughout the show. It was incredibly funny. Later on, when "Sammy Davis, Jr." was on, he pointed to my mom and said, during his song, that "She likes me," and was about to have a conversation with her, but was interrupted by "Joey." Finally, one last shout-out to our table was when "Frank" was singing "I Get a Kick Out of You." He sang the line "I get a kick out of you," pointing to me, and then he saw my friend Renata singing along... and said to her, "Not you, her." I got a big "kick" out of that!

I was incredibly delighted that my friend was there with me and I really do hope that I can see her again. Much love and hugs to you, girl!

Meanwhile, I am still suffering since the series finale of "Desperate Housewives." Ay, never has there been a modern show that I just adore so much! I console myself by watching reruns, buying the seasons on DVD available, and making videos relating to the show. My favorite actress, Rosalind Russell, had a birthday on June 4 and I did celebrate by watching 3 of her films. Such a talented actress she was, no matter that she died over 35 years ago. It was good to see a classic film again and I hope I can get into the classic movie "groove" again because I do enjoy losing myself in this "world." It just has been a very long time since I sat down and watched one.

I guess this is all I should write for now.... I do need inspiration to write, so I hope it strikes once again on a cold, lonely night ;) hahahah.

Friday, February 17, 2012

My Bree Van de Kamp Dinner!

The cast of "Desperate Housewives" with Bree holding a pie, as usual

Hey guys,

I have such an obsession with Desperate Housewives that I purchased the “Desperate Housewives Cookbook,” which has recipes catered to each character’s personality—stuff you think they would cook. For example, Bree, the elegant redhead, has mostly complex, fancy, and rich dishes next to her name, while Susan has easy and quick dishes (basically stuff you can throw into a baking dish and cook).

Bree (Marcia Cross) with her homemade lemon meringue pie

 On the other hand, Gabrielle has spicier dishes because of her Mexican background, and Lynette has many tips and recipes for mothers, so you can make things that your kids would like :)

 Eva Longoria (Gabrielle) cooking in her kitchen

Lynette (Felicity Huffman) has to always keep her large family fed ;)

As for me, I’m starting out by preparing a dinner tonight, a meal of the fancier sort à la Bree Van de Kamp because what woman does not want to be an elegant, classy lady like Bree who can cook like her?

Right now, I’m prepping the Tomato Bisque. I hope it will taste good! I’ll be back later when I start cooking that and post a photo =) Then on to the main dish, which is called Chicken Cutlets Saltimbocca, which, by the way, means literally “jump in the mouth,” so I hope the food “jumps in the mouth,” so to speak. Ha! I have to say that the Tomato Bisque smells really good, so I hope everyone will like it :)

Cooking the Saltimbocca wasn’t too difficult, just chicken cutlets with sage leaves and prosciutto on top, cooked on the skillet and topped with a marsala sauce. It was really hard work to finish making the soup because after pureeing it, I had to try to push all the liquid out through the strainer with a ladle…

Just ate my dinner :) Everyone loved it, it was a big hit, and I am so surprised by how good it was! The soup was really, really delicious. I was sad when I was done with it, haha, and the chicken was way more flavorful than I would have thought. I feel so conceited to LOVE my food so much, but damn it was good!! I think I will cook more often ;) Thank you, Bree! Haha

 Tomato Bisque before it was pureed

 Finished Tomato Bisque with croutons

The Chicken Cutlet Saltimbocca--bon appétit!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Irina says:
 there are so many things you are yet to experience in your life
 and i think, for each one
 we can never know what we will experience next
Desiree says:
Irina says:
 what will be the new excitement
Desiree says:
 exciting things
Irina says:
 that's what wonderful about this life
 exciting stuff like that
Desiree says:
 yes, life is beautiful
Irina says:
 it can be
Desiree says:
 and the shelling outside is getting annoying
Irina says:
 you are prosaic haha
 after i tried to be phylosophical
 youa re like the shelling is annoying hahaha
Desiree says:
 sorry, it's annoying me
 i just had to say something
Irina says:
 its ok haha you can tell me
 hilarious talks we have
 at least not talks like juat juay jugo juego hahahaha

 i like talks about life
Desiree says:
 life is cool liek that
 go life
Irina says:
 life is the best
 let's live it
 shall we?
Desiree says:
 i'll try to live it instead of die

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I'm Really Bored...

Best conversation I've ever had with my friend, Jamie:
Desiree says:

Jam says:
Desiree says:
 no.... WAY
Jam says:
Desiree says:
Jam says:
Desiree says:
 i knowwww
 i couldn't  believe it either

Yeah, that's right.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Another Day in the Lives of Irina and Desiree...

The Letter J is the Best

Desiree says:
 Jam and Jelly
Irina says:
 Jugo de naranja
Desiree says:
 juego juego juego
Irina says:
 Juay de rito
Desiree says:
 juay juan gonzalez
Irina says:
 Justino Rafael Mendivil Guerra
Desiree says:
 justino jamaica
Irina says:
 ju is that
Desiree says:
 just a judge of justice down in Jiutepec ju ama Jamaica!
Irina says:
 julio iglesias
Desiree says:
 job market
Irina says:
 joy of living
Desiree says:
 joy of loving, ooh baby
Irina says:
Desiree says:
 Jean Arthur
Irina says:
 yay! John Wayne
Desiree says:
 johnny comes marching home!
Irina says:
 jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Desiree says:
 jingle jangle jingle jangle just whooo
 juay ya bizzy
Irina says:
 juay estoy jugando
Desiree says:
 juay tú ist loca
Irina says:
 juay estas chismosa
Desiree says:
 juay estoy joven
Irina says:
 juay estoy una vieja amargada
Desiree says:
 just english, no jesting
Irina says:
 just in time
Desiree says:
 just a hometown girl
Irina says:
Desiree says:
 joyously jealous
Irina says:
Desiree says:
 j'attends l'amourrrr
Irina says:
 Yo tambien
Desiree says:

 J is a jerky letter
Irina says:
Desiree says:
Irina says:
 Jay de rito
Desiree says:
 ji jknow jhim
 Jake the plumber
Irina says:
 ji Jdon't jknow jwho jyou jmean
Desiree says:
Irina says:
 jacobo camargo
Desiree says:
 jacobo snapeo
Irina says:

Desiree says:
Irina says:

Jennifer Jones
Desiree says:
 Jennifer Lopez
Irina says:
 Jaqui -- -- ---
 Jiji L'amoroso
Desiree says:
Irina says:
Desiree says:
 Janini Panini Machini
Irina says:
 Panini 3 Quesos
Desiree says:
 Panini Yumini
Irina says:
 Parle Moi D'Amour
Desiree says:
 oh we're still playing the game
Irina says:
 Pour Ne Pas Vivre Seul
 or what you thought
Desiree says:
 haha i'm kidding
 parlez-moi de lui


Desi, the 18-year-old Writer

Came across my old composition book from my senior year in high school, the year I turned 18... it was very interesting to read some of the stories I wrote and the beliefs I held, and the thoughts I had about certain things. I think I hold many of the same beliefs, but maybe do not stay true to the beliefs all of the time. An interesting thing I found was when I sat outside with a notebook, observing everything around me and wrote a story about it, and then a poem made from the story. I always thought of myself as the WORST poet, haha, but what do you guys think? Interesting :P

As I sit here on this green bench, I see several bare, monstrous trees towering above me like giants, all stripped of their leaves by the terrors of winter. Seagulls are flying above in the clear blue sky, searching for some kind of nourishment that negligent kids always leave behind. And I look down; I see brown, crumpled leaves left by the trees strewn on the grass, as they have changed from summer season to fall to winter season. However, there are also quite a few wrappers and packagings scattered underneath the tree, that seems to make the majestic picture dirty. I hear many a sound as I observe. I hear cars "whooshing" and hurrying past on the busy street as the wind blows and makes itself heard. I feel wonderfully at ease, pondering this image in my sight and in my mind, even if the sun is burning fiercely on the back of my neck. The sounds of other students having friendly exchanges and a boy bouncing a bright orange baksetball around the Green Top are heard.

Bare, monstrous trees
Towering above
Stripped of their leaves
By the terrors of winter
Changing of season
Brown, crumpled leaves
Strewn about
Seagulls searching for food
Negligent kids left behind
Such a majestic beauty
-But wrappers and trash-
Such a marred beauty
The "whooshing" of cars
The wind making itself heard
At ease am I
As I ponder this setting
Sun burning fiercely
Motions me to leave.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Irina & Me

Just thought I'd show everyone that my wff (yeah, she didn't comment on my blog yet, omg) and I have the best conversations ever and you're all jealous:

Irina says:
 just reads Hoost
Desiree says:
Irina says:
Desiree says:
Irina says:
Desiree says:
Irina says:
Desiree says:
Irina says:
Desiree says:
Irina says:
 Horatio Hornblower
Desiree says:
 Howard Hughes
Irina says:
 Howard Hawks
Desiree says:
Irina says:
 Hunchback of Notre  Dame
Desiree says:
 Hot Mama
Irina says:
 ho mammy blue
 ho mammy mammy
Desiree says:
 mammy jammy glammy
Irina says:
  (coffee emoticon)
Desiree says:
 butter toffee coffee
Irina says:
 that's true

UPDATE: She did her duty and commented after all... she's a BFF again.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's a Great Day...

Oh, it’s a great day…

Oh, it’s a good day for singing a song, good day for moving along! And so on and so forth… I don’t know if you know that song. I first heard it in the movie With a Song in My Heart starring Susan Hayward, which introduced me to one of my favorite singers, Jane Froman. Not a lot of people have heard of her, but she’s awesome. Okay? Okay. Anyway, I love that song by her and it describes my day today. I think the sunshine lately has really been upping my mood far and beyond what I would have thought.

This is my favorite song by Jane, I hope you like it, too!

I started this day by talking to my bff, Irina, on MSN when I woke up at 10:30 and drinking my usual chai latte! Love them so much, haha, just love the flavor! After a while, I absolutely could not keep up with all the Facebook notifications and I had to get off of it, haha. It was a beautiful day today, really beautiful, about 78 degrees, so I decided to talk to Irina outside on my laptop. I sat on the porch in the back and soaked in the rays from the sun and looked around at the beauty of nature—the green grass, the green trees, and the birds singing. Yes, it is January, but this is quite possible where I live. By the way, Vista, where I live, is considered one of the best places in the country to live because of its weather. The average temperature year round is 75 degrees, so that ain’t bad.

This is Guajome Park in Vista... lovely park, a lot of people take horses there

I decided, out of the blue, to help my mom clean today, for no reason at all. This is how the conversation went when I announced it to her:

Me: I’m going to help you clean today!
Mom: What? Why?
Me: ‘Cause you deserve it?
Mom: Is it Mother’s Day and I don’t know it?
Me: No :(
Brother: She wants something!
Me: No, I don’t want anything at all!
Mom: Well, that’s awesome, Des!

My mom really does deserve it. She works so many hours during the week and my brother and I just clean a little bit during the week—me doing the dishes and kitchen and my brother cleaning the dining room and living room. She does all her cleaning on the weekend because of her job and usually, nobody helps much, except I do the dishes like always every night. And in these weeks by myself at home with nothing to keep me busy, I realize how good I have it at home and how great my parents really are. They do so much for me and I never know how to thank them when I am feeling really grateful. I figure after I get a job, I will find a way to thank them in a big way! And years down the road, an even bigger way…

I should get back to cleaning some more… I’ll be back later to tell you about all the exotic birds I met today and a special street called Rena Drive ;)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hey folks,
I’m sorry that I didn’t write yesterday, but today wasn’t such a good day for me. I find it is hard to write on the weekends as it is, and I didn’t have a very good day (until I watched the new episode of Desperate Housewives… okay, I’m obsessed, hehe!). Anyway, I got some pretty exciting news on Saturday, I think it was? I consider the girls that are in my background picture collage like real sisters… I tell them so much about my life and about my problems and they are always there for me. I was just with two of them in L.A. in December for a week, and then after that, with all three of them for 10 days in Mexico (a few days after Christmas). I have to tell you that when I went back home on January 7 and back to my real life (because it seemed like a dream), it was one of the saddest farewell I have ever experienced. Actually, it’s probably THE saddest, but I don’t want to take time to think back on all the sad farewells I have had in my lifetime. By the way, I’m sure they won’t mind too much, but these girls are named Irina, Rena and Janine. It’s easier to write with names than vaguely referring to them as “the first friend” or “the first two friends” or “the friend from…” Haha.

My beautiful friends!

Anyway, turns out that Janine mentioned to Rena that she will come back to this part of the world in October. I could not believe it at first, and I was so excited because one of the reasons why I was so sad when we said goodbye was because I was sure it would be at least a year before I saw her or Irina again (because they both live so far away, and I’d have to take a long plane ride to see them). Of course, Rena said that I would have to be with them everywhere they go and I wouldn’t have it any other way. When you have very good, very close friends that live far away and do not live in your own town, even living in faraway countries, you learn to appreciate just how special friendship is in your life and why friends are a must in one’s life. I think the best friends are for life and will get you through tough times and bad times and can last almost as long as family relationships. In fact, best friends are like extended family members :)

Irina and me!

When Irina said that she just has to come, too, to Mexico to see us again, I was just so excited, I couldn’t stand it! That was two days ago now, but I am still excited in thinking about it… The problem is, I need to get a job soon so I have money to hang out with them during however long their stay is! A dream of mine is to someday take a plane and visit my faraway friends in their own countries. Hopefully, I can someday and even though I’d be nervous to fly alone (even though I had done it once before), I would be more than excited! I want to see new cultures and being shown these different cultures by my best friends would be just amazing.

Janine and me! (Rena calls us sisters in this photo, haha)

I plan on working on my résumé this week and hopefully, even though I have no work experience :( with my degree, I can at least get some temporary work or an internship of some kind. More than anything, at the moment, I would like to earn some money but in the long run, I would like to have a rewarding career. I have a degree in Mass Media and because the media are very different and broad, it can be difficult to pin down what I would like to do with it. So, I will see how it goes. I may just find something temporary in the meantime. Either way, I am very proud to have a college degree at all!

Last but not least... here is Rena and me (love you, girl, I know you are my biggest fan on this blog!!)

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I don't feel too well tonight... I was going to write a blog post about some exciting news... but I will write it tomorrow :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

I Like Fridays :)

Before I get my fix with another episode of Desperate Housewives, I should update my new blog again… I hope you all are doing well… (Okay, not that many people read this, but the few who do!) I had a fairly good day today. Something that bothered me was a dream I had last night. I had a dream with one of my close friends, whom I miss very much because she is very far away. I continue to have scary or sad dreams with her in them… She actually reads into these dreams much more deeply than I do. She says that we are both sad that we are far away because we are very close to each other. I hope I don’t have another dream like this tonight because I hate sad dreams! Well, who doesn’t? I’m anxious to have a happy dream or one of my boring would-happen-any-day dreams.

I just had Mexican food for dinner. After being in Mexico for ten days recently, I just fell in love with the food—with the amazing carne asada and guacamole in the tacos! Mexican food has always been my favorite type of food, but I never realized just how good it was in Mexico (you know, the place where it comes from, haha). I was not looking forward to having California Mexican food again because it really is not the same. But the day had to come! I had something that seemed the most similar to what I had in Mexico many times. It was a carne asada plate. In other words, it is carne asada and guacamole and rice and beans and some tortillas, so I could make my own tacos. There is a big difference in the carne asada… there is something special in the carne asada in Mexico. I miss it :’( Oh well. Enough wishing I was Mexican… hahaha.

You might want a little background on what my life is like. Oh, wait, I don’t have much of a life. Well, I live with my mom and dad and my younger brother, who is 21. We also have a big dog and a bird—an umbrella cockatoo. They are very interesting pets, and recently, I have been spending more time with the bird. She’s so funny because she loves to take naps under my blanket when I am on the couch. Rocky, my dog, just sleeps all day… he is not very exciting sometimes :P By the way, I don’t recommend getting a cockatoo because they are way too much work—like toddlers who are always getting into trouble. They always chew up everything in sight, like cords, CDs, headphones, electronic devices, keyboards! They can be real menaces, and at the same time, they can be cuddly. I guess it all depends. They can also be pretty loud. Anyway, they act like this their whole lives and they live 50 to 60 years… boy, how much of your life they take up!

I hope I’ll watch a classic movie soon because it’s been a while and I don’t have a passion for them lately. I am more into TV shows lately, I guess. In fact, right now, we are watching Popeye on TV. Sometimes I really love watching cartoons from my childhood. It takes me back to the simpler times and cartoons are just fun to watch. I love how things happen to them that wouldn’t happen to real people—that’s allowed because they’re animated! What is your favorite cartoon? I think my favorite cartoon from my childhood is Tom and Jerry :)

Have a wonderful night, my friends!

P.S. Photos courtesy of my brother :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Time to get this blog started...

This is an interesting venture for me. I am actually writing a blog about myself and about my views/opinions/about life! Whoda thunk? I don’t think many will read this, but I recently found that writing helps me get through my emotions and writing also just makes me feel good in general.

Today, I had an emotional conversation with a close friend of mine. In a way, I felt like I broke that unwritten code of trust today. She assures me I did not and she still trusts me like no other; however, I felt like a very bad person anyway and was truly hating myself. It was a bad moment, I suppose, and I hope I didn’t go into dangerous territory there. I do not think I did, and once I wiped my tears off my keyboard, I felt better, laughing once again. If there is one thing that kills me, it is not proving that I am a good friend. I always thought of myself as a good friend my whole life, even if others did not prove themselves back to me. This friend has proved to me she is such a best friend to me time and time again. So I felt like I had one point against me and she was still perfect. But in fact, in the end, it wasn’t as bad as all that and I was having a terrible moment, I suppose.

If there is one thing I need these days, it is the loyalty of my closest friends. In fact, my closest friends do not even live in the same country as me, sadly. It is a sad thing that your best friends are so far away (and I mean far—on the other side of the world!), but there’s nothing you can do about that. You never know who you will meet in your lifetime, and I never would have thought I’d have such a friendship with these girls from different parts of the world—they truly are like sisters to me. After spending so much time with them in both my country and in Mexico, I find that I need them more than ever, and we just became even closer after this trip :)

I am a big classic movie fan, but what is happening to my devotion? I have not been passionate about watching them lately. I feel it may come back to me eventually, but it is very strange. At the moment, I have a new addiction—a modern TV show (that is actually still on!) called Desperate Housewives. Anyone who knows me thinks it is strange, haha, because I am actually addicted to a modern show! I just adore this show—full of drama, comedy (which I adoooore), and I am just in love with the characters. I feel like they are my friends, too, and one common theme in this show is women’s friendship. I feel like I have such a friendship now, except I’m a few decades younger, haha. They are not friends living on the same street as me, but hey, it’s something and I find many similarities all time! It’s a happy, wonderful thing.

I have to make a roast chicken for dinner…. so I must stop now. Have a good day, anyone who reads this :)


Desi welcomes you! Just want to see how this looks, don't mind me :)