Monday, January 30, 2012

Desi, the 18-year-old Writer

Came across my old composition book from my senior year in high school, the year I turned 18... it was very interesting to read some of the stories I wrote and the beliefs I held, and the thoughts I had about certain things. I think I hold many of the same beliefs, but maybe do not stay true to the beliefs all of the time. An interesting thing I found was when I sat outside with a notebook, observing everything around me and wrote a story about it, and then a poem made from the story. I always thought of myself as the WORST poet, haha, but what do you guys think? Interesting :P

As I sit here on this green bench, I see several bare, monstrous trees towering above me like giants, all stripped of their leaves by the terrors of winter. Seagulls are flying above in the clear blue sky, searching for some kind of nourishment that negligent kids always leave behind. And I look down; I see brown, crumpled leaves left by the trees strewn on the grass, as they have changed from summer season to fall to winter season. However, there are also quite a few wrappers and packagings scattered underneath the tree, that seems to make the majestic picture dirty. I hear many a sound as I observe. I hear cars "whooshing" and hurrying past on the busy street as the wind blows and makes itself heard. I feel wonderfully at ease, pondering this image in my sight and in my mind, even if the sun is burning fiercely on the back of my neck. The sounds of other students having friendly exchanges and a boy bouncing a bright orange baksetball around the Green Top are heard.

Bare, monstrous trees
Towering above
Stripped of their leaves
By the terrors of winter
Changing of season
Brown, crumpled leaves
Strewn about
Seagulls searching for food
Negligent kids left behind
Such a majestic beauty
-But wrappers and trash-
Such a marred beauty
The "whooshing" of cars
The wind making itself heard
At ease am I
As I ponder this setting
Sun burning fiercely
Motions me to leave.


  1. I love your poem, I don't know why but it reminds me of John Keats old poems and I really love it.
    I think you can be a good writer someday ;))

    1. you're so sweet :) I think I'm the worst poet ever though and poetry is really hard.

  2. I loved it, Desi. I saw everything in my head as I was reading your story =) good job!
